Moteur de recherche d'offres d'emploi CEA

Near-wall phenomena in nucleate boiling H/F

Vacancy details

General information


The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in four main areas :
• defence and security,
• nuclear energy (fission and fusion),
• technological research for industry,
• fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences.

Drawing on its widely acknowledged expertise, and thanks to its 16000 technicians, engineers, researchers and staff, the CEA actively participates in collaborative projects with a large number of academic and industrial partners.

The CEA is established in ten centers spread throughout France



Description de l'unité

Notre département est divisé en plusieurs services. Le nôtre est Le Service de Thermohydraulique et de la Mécanique des Fluides (100 personnes).Au quotidien, nous concevons, développons et qualifions les logiciels de simulation de la thermo hydraulique et de la mécanique des fluides aux différentes échelles ;Mais ce n'est pas tout ! Nous réalisons aussi des programmes expérimentaux en support à la compréhension des phénomènes et à la validation des modèles physiques implantés dans les logiciels.Enfin, nous réalisons les études et expertises qui lui sont confiées pour des applications nucléaires et hors nucléaire dans le domaine énergétique. Au sein de ce service se trouvent plusieurs laboratoires, dont le LE2H (18 personnes).C'est celui-ci qui attirera votre attention !Notre rôle ? Nous assurons la validation expérimentale des codes de thermo hydraulique développés dans le service, en particulier sur les écoulements mono et diphasiques en cœur de réacteur et sur la thématique de l'enceinte de confinement.Mais ce n'est pas tout ! Nous réalisons l'amélioration de l'instrumentation relative aux mesures en mécanique des fluides et en thermo hydraulique, en particulier pour le développement de mesures de haute précision (« CFD grade »)Enfin, nous apportons notre expertise dans le domaine de la sécurité hydrogène pour le domaine nucléaire et au-delà (hydrogène vecteur énergie).

Position description


Thermohydraulics and fluid mechanics



Job title

Near-wall phenomena in nucleate boiling H/F


Near-wall phenomena in nucleate boiling

Contract duration (months)


Job description

Boiling is a process widely used in industrial and scientific applications to promote heat transfer because of high heat transfer coefficients associated to the phase change. It can be mentioned, for instance, the use of heat pipe to cool down compact electronic equipment and the heat exchangers in nuclear power reactors. Safety and design guidelines of such equipment rely on the fundamental understanding of heat transfer and fluid mechanics phenomena that occur in the near-wall region where the bubbles grow. For instance, it is well known that the dewetting dynamics (promoted by dry-spots formation) on the heated wall is a key parameter to understand the boiling crisis.  

Another near-wall feature at nucleate boiling is the formation of thin liquid films that can occur during the growth of vapor bubbles on the wall. This liquid layer with thickness up to a few microns (thus named ''microlayer'') is formed between the wall and the liquid-vapor interface of the bubble. The microlayer is a desired feature in boiling-based equipment. It acts as a heat transfer bridge, allowing a heat flux in the order of MW/m2 to be transferred from the wall to the liquid-vapor interface, promoting an efficient cooling of the wall. This results in the microlayer evaporation and its contribution to the overall bubble growth can be  up to 50%. The mechanism of microlayer formation, dry-spot dynamics and the related near-wall heat transfer phenomena are therefore an active research topic within the boiling community.         

Experiments performed in order to measure near-wall parameters, such as microlayer thickness and the dry spot size, are vital to validate novel physical models developed at CEA, in particular at STMF the ones implemented in the numerical simulations with TrioCFD. At STMF, a novel experimental installation has been developed in the framework of a PhD thesis to study the near-wall phenomena in boiling. The experimental setup uses advanced high-speed and high-resolution optical diagnostics (white light interferometry, infrared thermography and shadowgraphy) to measure microlayer thickness, wall temperature distribution and macroscopic bubble shape. The installation is, therefore, able to fully characterize the near-wall phenomena and provide data for the validation of numerical simulations.    
The postdoctoral researcher will benefit from this experimental installation to perform experiments in a variety of conditions of input power and subcooling, for instance, to study the physical phenomena related to the microlayer dynamics, heat transfer and dry-spot at bubble growth in nucleate boiling. The submission of one or two scientific papers within the postdoctoral period is expected.

Applicant Profile

The candidate holds a PhD in fluid mechanics/heat transfer. Experience in performing experiments with optical diagostics in boiling heat transfer is required. 

Position location



Job location

France, Ile-de-France, Essonne (91)



Candidate criteria


English (Fluent)


Position start date
