Moteur de recherche d'offres d'emploi CEA

Development of an Incremental ANNs for efficient adaptive neuroprosthetics H/F

Détail de l'offre

Informations générales

Entité de rattachement

Le CEA est un acteur majeur de la recherche, au service des citoyens, de l'économie et de l'Etat.

Il apporte des solutions concrètes à leurs besoins dans quatre domaines principaux : transition énergétique, transition numérique, technologies pour la médecine du futur, défense et sécurité sur un socle de recherche fondamentale. Le CEA s'engage depuis plus de 75 ans au service de la souveraineté scientifique, technologique et industrielle de la France et de l'Europe pour un présent et un avenir mieux maîtrisés et plus sûrs.

Implanté au cœur des territoires équipés de très grandes infrastructures de recherche, le CEA dispose d'un large éventail de partenaires académiques et industriels en France, en Europe et à l'international.

Les 20 000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs du CEA partagent trois valeurs fondamentales :

• La conscience des responsabilités
• La coopération
• La curiosité



Description de l'unité

le LIIM est le laboratoire d'intelligence intégrée multicapteurs

Description du poste


Mathématiques, information  scientifique, logiciel



Intitulé de l'offre

Development of an Incremental ANNs for efficient adaptive neuroprosthetics H/F

Sujet de stage

Development of an Incremental ANNs for efficient adaptive neuroprosthetics

Durée du contrat (en mois)


Description de l'offre

Nearly 746,000 people sustain a spinal cord injury (SCI) every year leading to impairment or even complete loss of motor functions. Motor Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) translate brain neural signals into commands to external effectors directly providing patients with control over orthoses, prostheses, or over their own limbs using electrical stimulation.

The project will address the challenge task of developing a real-time decoding model that will allow controlling the movement of the arms of the exoskeleton developed at Clinatec.

To reach this goal, the two main objectives of the post-doctorate are:

  • BMIs are ‘human-in-loop’ systems. Recorded brain neuronal signal includes neuronal feedback. It makes offline training of decoding model less efficient compared to closed loop decoder adaptation. Real-time model update requires incremental/continual decoder learning. To date, the exoskeleton works with an incremental machine learning algorithm but recent results have shown the interest of deep learning at the output of the decoder. However, deep learning algorithms suffer from catastrophic forgetting. Indeed, when an artificial neural network learns new information, its synaptic weights adjust to this information, without forgetting the previously informed information. The development of incremental ANN learning for Adaptive-BMI (Ada BMI) framework will be the first breakthrough of the project.
  • The second objective concerns the decoder performances, more particularly the extraction of more informative features. Indeed, these features evolve over time with for instance cross frequency coupling. Taking into account this kind of phenomenon will allow us to input better features in the incremental learning algorithm.

Both improvements will lead to a decrease of the training time sessions and so an improved comfort for patients. Thus, the subject is a the interface of three labs of the CEA: CEA-LIST, Clinatec and Neurospin.

Profil du candidat

The candidate should have completed a PhD in Computer Science, Machine Learning.


Knowledges and experiences in some or all of the following fields will be an asset during the position:

  • Machine Learning / Deep learning
  • Applied mathematics (probability / statistics)


Good programming practice in Python (Tensorflow, with some basic GPU environment knowledges). Applicants should master written and spoken English.


A brief description of the PhD thesis, a publication list and some recommendations should be included to your application

Localisation du poste



Localisation du poste

France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Isère (38)



Critères candidat

Formation recommandée


Possibilité de poursuite en thèse



Disponibilité du poste
